When you or a family member sustain an injury that was caused by something or someone other than yourself, you may have the grounds for a personal injury case.

Whether the injury occurred on a roadway, public space or private property, personal injury law covers harm stemming from negligence. Negligence requires proof that:

  • The responsible party had a duty of care. We all share responsibility to be careful with each other. Drivers must follow traffic laws, professionals must dispense knowledge-based advise and property owners must keep their property safe and reasonably free of hazards.
  • The duty of care responsibility was not met. Did the at-fault person meet their duty of care? Proof may include showing that a traffic law was broken, the negligent party was inattentive or that regular safety checks had not been done.
  • The injury was the result of that negligence. There are several ways to prove that that an injury happened because of unmet responsibility. This may include medical records, police reports, photographs, cell phone logs and many other types of evidence.

Personal injury lawsuits usually begin as insurance claims. Insurance companies frequently undervalue the impact of the injury, ignoring the extent to which the accident might interfere with the victim’s ability to work, medical costs, quality of life and other long-term factors.  As a result, insurance companies try to settle quickly, before you have had a chance to consult with a personal injury lawyer. Often their settlement offers may be far below the compensation needed for physical healing and financial restoration.

To determine if you have a case, discuss your options with an experienced accident lawyer.  Mabra Law’s personal injury lawyers have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of individuals injured in accidents or due to someone else’s negligence. Contact us today for a free consultation.