Getting Started

What to Do After a Workplace Injury in Georgia

January 10, 2018
Two men in safety gear diligently working on a glass structure, ensuring safety and precision in their task.

Contrary to popular belief, workplace injuries don’t just occur on construction sites or in laboratories. Injuries can happen in any workplace and involve any number of unexpected scenarios. A construction worker could drop bricks on his or her foot, but a cubicle worker could be injured by a falling file cabinet.


Injuries on the job do occur, even though many offices have procedures, training and insurance in place to address such issues. If you’ve experienced a workplace injury, follow these steps to properly document the incident so you are equipped to pursue legal action, if necessary, later on.

Immediately after a workplace injury

The first step to take when injured on the job is to seek medical attention, whether that involves emergency services or simply going to the doctor the next day. According to Georgia workers’ compensation law, your employer is required to post a list of approved workers’ compensation providers; this list must include an orthopedist and industrial clinics for you to visit.


After you’ve sought medical attention and are in stable condition, you should:


  • Provide written notification to your supervisor. Include details of the injury and how it occurred. Do not wait longer than 30 days, or you may lose rights to compensation.
  • Fill out and file a WC-14. To check on any other forms you may need to fill out, you can call the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation at (404) 656-3818.
  • Document all medical appointments and expenses. Make sure to save documents from your doctor and ask for written notes or doctor’s orders.

After submitting a workers’ compensation claim

In Georgia, injured workers are entitled to weekly income benefits if they are unable to work for more than 7 days. If you submit your WC-14 immediately after the accident, you should receive a check within 21 days after the first day you missed work.If you do not receive a check after 21 days, you should request a hearing with the State Board of Workers’ Compensation.


However, we know that the effects of a workplace injury can last well after the wounds have healed. Pain and suffering, missed hours and more can impact your ability to return to work safely. An understanding law firm with extensive experience in workplace injury claims can be a key part of your successful return to the workplace. Please reach out to Mabra Law to schedule an appointment with one of our legal professionals.