Personal Injury

Beyond the Crash: How Extreme Weather Increases Car Accidents

January 22, 2025

When the weather gets rough, the likelihood of car accidents increases. From sudden downpours to driving snowstorms, extreme weather can turn a standard commute into a dangerous journey. The dangers related to extreme weather can include fallen trees, flooded roads, or even fires. What these factors have in common is that they can increase the chances of a motor vehicle accident. Thousands of drivers are involved in severe crashes every year due to extreme weather.

Often, weather conditions will combine with human error to make accidents impossible to avoid. Even in severe weather, many motorists will ultimately be able to reach their destination safely if they are careful. Understanding the correlation between harsh weather and car accidents might help you avoid a collision in the future.

Tips for Staying Safe in Extreme Weather

There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of an accident, even when the weather is extreme. These common sense suggestions could not only help you avoid an accident but also be prepared in situations where you lose control of your vehicle.

Slow Down

The most important piece of advice for drivers navigating extreme weather is to moderate their speed. The faster you go, the more likely it is that you are going to lose control due to slick roads and crash your vehicle. In addition to driving slower, you should also take other defensive measures, like increasing the following distance from the car in front of you. Remember that speed limits are only the maximum speed you can travel; you are welcome to drive slower when safety requires it.

Check the Weather

Safe driving starts before you ever leave the house. It is impossible to fully prepare for the possibility of extreme weather if you are unsure what the forecast conditions look like. By checking the weather, you can prepare for slick roads or other dangerous conditions.

Postpone Your Trip

The best way to avoid an accident in extreme weather is by not driving in it at all. If possible, leave early or late to avoid harsh weather conditions. If you can put off your drive for another day, doing so could greatly reduce the risk of a crash. Of course, there are times when your window for leaving is limited.

Be Prepared

You should always be prepared for emergencies any time you get behind the wheel. This is especially true when it comes to driving in extreme weather. Keep your car stocked with important supplies like:

  • First aid kits
  • Drinking water
  • Batteries
  • Flashlights
  • Flares
  • Blankets
  • Emergency contact numbers

How Human Error Plays a Part

There are few combinations more dangerous than extreme weather and negligent drivers. Hazardous weather demands drivers to take care when navigating the roadways. When they fail to remain aware and adapt to changing weather conditions, human error can amplify the odds of a crash.

For example, you could be involved in an accident with a driver traveling too fast for the conditions. If slick roads make it impossible for them to stop in time to avoid colliding with your car, they might be liable for the damage they cause. A car accident lawyer could help you hold them accountable through legal action.

Human error is about more than driving fast. Some motorists overestimate their vehicle’s ability to navigate ice or snow. They might assume that all-wheel drive allows them to operate as they would in normal weather conditions or that anti-lock brakes will prevent an accident on a slick roadway. These assumptions frequently lead to collisions with other drivers.

Because of the risk to other motorists, it is crucial for you to stay vigilant when driving in dangerous weather. Of course, there are times when no amount of vigilance or defensive driving will help you avoid a collision with a negligent motorist.  

You have the right to pursue a personal injury lawsuit after an accident with a negligent driver in severe weather. From rain to snow or even fog, these conditions often amplify a person’s bad driving. The right Atlanta car accident lawyer can help you pursue the financial compensation you deserve following a crash.

The Role of Infrastructure is Significant in Harsh Weather

In addition to driver mistakes, the design and condition of the roads can also lead to accidents in extreme weather. This is true even in cases where the weather would normally not be hazardous, even if precipitation is relatively heavy.

\Modern roadways are designed to withstand a variety of weather conditions while allowing drivers to operate their vehicles safely. They are engineered to avoid pooling water, dangerously steep inclines, or other hazards that can lead to an increased risk of an accident in snow or ice. Unfortunately, mistakes during the design process can lead to highways that have an increased risk of accidents in bad weather.

Poor roadway design is not the only issue to be aware of. In many cases, a lack of maintenance could lead to a crash. From potholes to broken pavement, damaged roadways are more likely to see accidents in all circumstances than those in good condition. When this happens, the government might be liable for your injuries.

Talk to an Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer Following a Weather-Related Accident

At Mabra Law, we understand how stressful it can be to get involved in a car accident due to dangerous weather. If these hazards weren’t enough, many collisions occur because of the careless or reckless actions of other drivers.

You have the right to pursue financial compensation if another motorist contributed to your accident in extreme weather. Building a negligence case on your own can be difficult, especially if the other driver is represented by legal counsel. Contact us right away to learn how we can help.