
Personal Injury

Personal Injury Attorney Identifies Safety Precautions for Scooter Riders

March 18, 2019
A woman in a helmet riding a motorbike, showcasing safety and adventure on the open road.

Forty percent of electric scooter injuries reported nationwide involve head injuries, according to the Journal of American Medical Association study published earlier this year. It also mentioned 32% of those reported injuries included fractures; 28% were less serious injuries such as cuts, sprains and bruises. Lawmakers across the country including those in Atlanta are considering appropriate legislation to effectively govern the public’s use of these shared dockable mobility devices. Safety weighs as one of the largest concerns.

Personal Injury Attorney Reginald Lewis has spent nearly 20 years diligently defending the rights of injured individuals. He urges scooter riders to take extreme caution in knowing their rights before engaging on a commute. Attorney Lewis shares the following tips for scooter riders:

  • Read the digital agreement in its entirety– Understand the terms the scooter company is asking you to agree. Are you waiving any potential rights by signing the agreement? Know who carries the legal responsibility were something to go wrong during your commute.
  • Follow all transportation laws- Scooter riders are expected to signal turns and obey all traffic signs. Both hands should be empty and place on the handle bars. Safely store your cell phone, cups or any other items.
  • Know the local laws- Riding electric scooters on the sidewalks is no longer permitted. These devices are to be operated on the main streets, much like bicycles.
  • Review the app- Pay attention to the company’s instructions on how to properly operate the scooter. Also look for any safety tips!
  • Be aware of your surroundings- Remove earbuds or headphones. The rider needs to be able to hear the motor vehicles around him.
  • Dress the part- Though not a requirement, wear a helmet. Costs range from $15-$100. Light colored clothing and reflective gear should also be worn, especially if riding a scooter during darker hours.
  • Scooters are designed to carry one person at a time– One person per scooter. No exceptions.

In January 2019, Atlanta city leaders approved a law mandating among other things, electric scooter companies purchase liability insurance. It has yet to be decided whether riders will eventually be required to sign liability waivers before zooming away on a scooter.